Troy Richardson |
(604) 679-2734
Salmon Fishing
-British Columbia's Coast

Summer Fishing (July - August)
Summer brings a variety of salmon to our local waters (migratory and local fish) with multiple fishing locations within 15-45 minutes from home. Chinook (10-30lbs) and Coho salmon are available throughout July and August.
During odd years (2019, 2021, etc.) Pink salmon return to our local waters from late July - September.
Sockeye Salmon are present from August - September and retention is subject to Department of Fisheries openings.
The following trips are available for Salmon:
5 Hour Trips (Half Day) are available during select summer / fall months when fishing is close to home.
8 Hour Trips are perfect for those looking to spend the day on the water and give opportunities for us to travel a little further to the best fishing grounds (Recommended).
10 Hour Trips for the serious angler allow us to fish 2 tides and multiple species with the best catch opportunity.